Dear Friends:
The Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú (CASP) invites you to participate in the XX International Conference titled “What should I learn to make people with different abilities be included successfully into school?” that will be led by Shirley Marroquín and Teresa Jara, specialists of the Centro Ann Sullivan Inclusion Program.
This conference will be simultaneously broadcasted on the Internet from CASP through “Elluminate Live” system, developed by Global Campus of the University of Iowa and the National Institute of Health.
Objectives: To encourage regular school administrators, teachers, classmates and their parents to make inclusion into school easier for people with different abilities, or participate in this process.
Date: Saturday the14thMay, 2011
Time: From 9:00am to11: 30am (Peruvian time)
Certification (optional via e-mail): People interested in receiving an electronic copy of this certification may write to the following electronic addresses: or
· It is also applicable to participants from other countries.
Place: Judith M. LeBlanc Auditorium (Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú)
Calle Petrolina Alvarez 180 – Urb. Pando 5ta. Etapa. San Miguel (Altura cdra. 16 Av. La Marina – Paralela cdra. 7 Av. Universitaria)
1) CASP Auditorium (limited seat available) or clicking on the Registration Form link:
To receive information about the next conferences, contact: or
2) People living in other Peruvian cities or abroad, please contact the FACILITATOR FOR YOUR CITY.