On Tuesday 3 May, the Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú (CASP) was announced as one of the prototype sites of the Global Disability Rights Library (GDRL) in a press conference held at CASP. Other three selected countries: Ethiopia, Nigeria and Zambia are also part of this worldwide project.
During this event, Dr. Liliana Mayo, General Director of CASP, Dr. Thomas Cook from the University of Iowa and Mr. Andrew Herscowitz, Deputy Director of USAID/Peru explained the importance of this Digital Library to our country.
It ‘s worth remembering that GDRL is an effort of the University of Iowa's WiderNet Project, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United States International Council on Disabilities (USICD).
The Digital Library that uses the eGranary, also known as “The Internet in a Box”, will provide information to organizations and individuals in developing countries that are willing to promote the rights of people with different abilities. The eGranary provides thousands of digital educational resources to institutions that do not have Internet access.
The aim of the GDRL is to provide a lot of information to organizations that serve people with disabilities in developing countries but lack adequate Internet access. People with different abilities living in communities without Internet access will be the primary recipients of the library in an electronic storage device. People around the world who have web access will be able to use the GDRL via the web.