Wednesday, May 1, 2019

CASP in Kenya: Pan-African Congress on Autism 2019

With the theme of Autism in Africa: Debunking Myths and Stigma Through Diagnosis, Dedication and Evidence Based Interventions, the Pan-African Congress on Autism (PACA) held the first conference of this magnitude dedicated to the region in Nairobi, Kenya April 25-27th.  Over 22 African countries were represented. 

Dr. Liliana Mayo, Executive Director and Founder of CASP was an invited presenter with the theme “The Power of 2: Families and Professionals Working as a Team”. 

It was an honor to have Dr. Liliana Mayo as one of our keynote speakers. Her message resonated with professionals, parents, government officials and adults with autism. 

It gave parents hope. It empowered both parents and professionals to work together so that individuals with different abilities can be independent, productive and happy.  

Undoubtedly, having the presence of Dr. Mayo representing Peru in the Congress is a great achievement for the country and an opportunity to learn more about the work that is being done to benefit the social and inclusion to work for people with different abilities. 

Many countries will be reaching out to Dr. Mayo for more information on CASP model.

~ Dr. Jane W. Paul – Director of Pan African Congress 2019

Presenters of the Pan-African Congress on Autism 2019
About PACA

PACA is a collaboration between organizations, professionals and advocates of people diagnosed with autism throughout the African continent, which seeks to ensure that this condition is recognized as a disability in Africa and can receive the support of resources and monetary funds to improve the life of people with autism in this continent.

The mission of PACA is to bring together African organizations that lead efforts to improve the quality of life of people living with autism spectrum disorders through awareness-raising activities, proper diagnosis, education and early and continuous evidence-based interventions in Africa .

For more information: