Free visual diagnostic clinics were held on Tuesday and
Wednesday, July 8 and 9, in cities such as Chancay, Aucallama and Huaral,
thanks to the initiative of the Ann Sullivan Center of Peru (CASP) in strategic
alliance with the OMAPED (The Municipal Office for People with Disabilities) of
these cities, and the Municipality of Huaral.
These clinics had the invaluable support of Dr. Linda Marie Lawrence,
an internationally recognized ophthalmologist from the University of Kansas and
consultant of CASP who has specialized in the evaluation of verbal and
non-verbal people with different abilities.
Dr. Lawrence and the multidisciplinary team of CASP made an
ophthalmologic evaluation consisting of: visual acuity, pupil dilation to
examine the ocular fundus, diagnosis and recommendations for follow up care of
over 60 babies, children, young people and adults with different abilities of
Chancay, Aucallama, and Huaral.
Dr. Lawrence has been awarded prizes and international
honors for her humanitarian work around the world. She uses simple language,
techniques and specialized methods to identify if the vision of people with
different abilities is impaired. In this way, she prevents them from having
learning problems, maximizes their chances of development, helps them in their
academic progress and therefore makes their inclusion successful.
It is worth mentioning that for 35 years, CASP has been
committed to fighting for the rights of people with different abilities and for
their inclusion in all aspects of life like everyone else. This initiative is
part of the activities planned for this year for our 35th anniversary.