Tuesday, August 21, 2012

With colorful parade the CASP celebrated its 33 anniversary making a difference in Peru and in the world

Pasacalles de la Alegría CASP 2012 001

Yesterday, August 20th, on the occasion of celebrating the thirty-third anniversary of the Centro Ann Sullivan del Peru (CASP), a magical afternoon was enjoyed in the San Miguel district.  A bright and colorful parade marked the beginning of our anniversary activities. The whole Ann Sullivan family participated in this popular march, and along with several music bands, they went round the nearby streets.  A large number of people appreciated this parade, where our students who irradiated sympathy and tenderness were one of its main attractions.

The entire route was filled with a festive mood, and public paid tribute to CASP that was celebrating the 33 the anniversary of its foundation, dedicated to educating people with different abilities.

The CASP family wants to express deep appreciation to all those friendly people who, depending on their possibilities and commitment, have contributed to the strengthening of the Centre for these 33 years. Their support to improving the quality of life of people with different abilities, and of their families, has been invaluable to us.