On Wednesday, August 17, the Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú (CASP) inaugurated its laundering service “The Solution.”
The opening ceremony was graced with the presence of Liliana Mayo, Founder and General Director of CASP, and Liliana Castro and Eduardo Gutarra, representatives for students. Also attended the inauguration as the Hiraoka Import’s representative, Mr. Raúl Hiraoka, General Management, and his wife Mrs. Margarita de Hiraoka. Mrs. Rosa Padilla, Account Manager; Luis Sánchez, Sales Manager; and Mr. Wilber Chauca attended on behalf of Henkel Peruana.
It is worth remembering that these two companies provided equipment and infrastructure to implement this laundering service.
The laundering service “The Solution” is an initiative to give real job opportunities to people with different abilities whose age ranges from 24 to 45, and which can’t insert in the labor market because of their disability severity or behavior.
The project started with a formative workshop in past April and it is expected that this community service generate incomes for CASP and young workers in the second phase.