Monday, November 1, 2010

Conference given by Dr. Linda Lawrence

The Fourth Conference-Workshop titled “How to know if your child has a vision problem and its relationship to learning problems” was carried out on Saturday October 24th via Elluminate Live, through the University of Iowa Global Campus. Dr. Linda Lawrence, an internationally recognized ophthalmologist who is specialized in treating and rehabilitating people with different abilities, gave this conference. Dr. Jorge Lembcke and Claudia Checa performed the simultaneous interpretation from English into Spanish and vice versa.

Dr. Lawrence used many examples and a simple language to identify when a person with different abilities is experiencing vision problems in order to refer him/her to the specialist for evaluation and subsequent treatment, avoiding problems in the learning process in this way.

300 conference participants were connected from Peruvian cities such as Arequipa, Caráz, Chiclayo, Cusco, Huaral, Mollendo, Moquegua, Pacasmayo, Distrito de San Juan de Miraflores, Sicuani, Tacna, Lima; and cities from other countries such as Argentina (La Plata, Trelew), Ecuador (El Fortín, Quito & Ricaurte), México (Hidalgo, Oaxaca), Guatemala, Panamá, Bolivia (Cochabamba) and Spain (Barcelona).

Finally, we give our new facilitators Francisco Urbistondo in Barcelona (Spain) and Izbeth Lazarte in Cochabamba (Bolivia) a very warm welcome.

Office of Projects and Investigations

Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú - CASP

263-6296 / 263-4880 anexo 120
