Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Free Videoconferencia "Ponseti Method for treatment of Congenital Talipes Equinovarus"

The Centro Ann Sullivan of Peru (CASP) organizes a free videoconference on the Ponseti Method for treatment of Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (or clubfoot), this Saturday, September 18th, at 9 am. This training session will be broadcast via Elluminate Live, and it is aimed at pediatricians, orthopedists, physiatrists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, rheumatologists and parents

The talipes equinovarus is a congenital foot condition, which affects approximately between 150,000 and 200,000 babies per year. Muscles, tendons and bones in the foot grow abnormally while fetus is formed during pregnancy. Researchers have not identified the exact cause of the clubfoot, but they think that it may be due to genetic and environmental factors. The Ponseti method corrects the deformity through manipulation and casting without surgery or minimal invasive surgery. The Ponseti method should be started within the first or second week of the birth to take advantage of elasticity in ligaments and tendons in the foot.

Treatment is based on a solid understanding of the functional anatomy of the foot and the biological reactions within muscles, ligaments and bone, on the gradual correction of foot position through manipulation of muscles, joints and ligaments and splints.

The objective of this free conference is to discuss the biological basis of the congenital talipes equinovarus and treatment according to the principles established by Ponseti. The importance of early identification of this condition, parents’ participation, and the development of a system to refer such patients to specialized centers will be discussed too.

Jose A. Morcuende, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Paediatric Surgery, University of Iowa, will conduct the conference. Dr. Morcuende is specialized in pediatric orthopaedics, osteoarticular diseases and oncology, and molecular research. He is Director of Medical Service at the Ponseti International Association,

Registration for videoconference is open. Those interested in participating should call at the numbers 263 - 6296 / 263 – 4880 / 263 – 7922 (extension 103) / Fax 263 – 1237 or come to the Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú (CASP), at Calle Petronila Álvarez, No. 180, 5ta Etapa Urb. Pando, San Miguel. Registrations may also be electronically sent to

DATE: Saturday, September 18th, 2010
TIME: 9 am
PLACE: Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú - Calle Petrolina Alvarez 180 – Urb. Pando 5ta. Etapa – San Miguel (Altura cdra. 16 Av. La Marina – Paralela 7 Av. Universitaria)