The workshop aimed at regular and special education professionals, therapists and psychologists will be held on Friday, February 12, from 2pm to 4pm at the Judith LeBlanc auditorium. Inclusion specialists of Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú will carry out this training.
The objective of this workshop is to inform on benefits obtained from a good school inclusion program, to identify high-priority objectives for included students and adapt them to regular education curriculum according to their grade and chronological age, and to make models of curriculum adaptations for these students in elementary and high schools.
The registration fee for the workshop is 50.00 soles until February 8th or the seating capacity is filled. A certificate will be given at the end of the workshop (5 academic hours).
For further information and registration:
Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú
Calle Petronila Alvarez, No. 180, 5ta Etapa Urb. Pando, San Miguel
Telephones: 263-6296 and 263-4880
Fax: 263-1237