The government of Peru gave a big step when the First Lady
of Peru Nadine Heredia and the vice ministers of Health, Education and Women
met with the representatives of the world’s most important organization in
autism “Autism Speaks” Dr. Andy Shih and Mr. Michael Rosanoff in order to talk
about challenges and opportunities for collaboration in view of the issues
facing people with autism in Peru.
During this meeting Dr Shih explained the Global Autism
Public Health (GAPH) Initiative, whose mission is to increase autism awareness
and recognition, service delivery, and research collaboration around the world.
They were impressed by the interest shown by the First Lady of Perú and the
authorities of the government to make future projects of collaboration with the
objective to serve the children with autism in Peru.
They also met in the Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú-CASP, with
13 organizations such as AFPAC
PERÚ, Alcanzando, Asociación Siempre Amanecer, ASPAU PERÚ, ASPAUC - Cañete,
Autismo Perú, Avanzar, Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú, EITA, Olimpiadas
Especiales, ONG Growing Happy, Soy autista, y que? and Recrearte that support quality
education and promote the inclusion of people of the autism spectrum disorder in
Peru. This meeting allowed all of these
institutions to share their successes, challenges and top priorities with the
representatives of Autism Speaks.
It was an historic visit of Autism Speaks for families who
have children with autism and professionals because Autism Speaks sent a clear
message of hope that this international organization will help in the
development of priorities the government decides are the most important for
people with autism in our country.