On Wednesday, November 23rd, the Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú (CASP) opened its kiosk made out of plastic bottles, according to the recycling project “Recicla”.
The whole Ann Sullivan family could appreciate the work of 48 CASP students with different abilities, whose ages range between 13 and 16 years old. They, with the help of the community of San Miguel, were able to collect 3000 plastic bottles to build their stand “RECICLA”, which has an area of 6m2 and a height of 2.40 meters. This important project, which involved our students and their parents under the institution’s motto, “ We together make the impossible possible ”, had a duration of 2 months.
We shall remember that recycling has become an activity that helps solve partially the problems caused by millions of tons of solid waste, which are daily produced by people around the world. Therefore, the Center Ann Sullivan del Perú (CASP) and their students with different abilities have started reusing waste products through a recycling program.