Dr. Rosario Fernandez Figueroa, President of the Council of Minister and Minister of Justice, honored Dr. Liliana Mayo, Founder and General Director of Centro Ann Sullivan of Peru (CASP), with the “Fortification of Constitutional State of Rights and the Access to the Justice” recognition. This national recognition from the Ministry of Justice (MINJUS in Spanish) was awarded to a brilliant 31-year career in favor of education and inclusion of people with different abilities and their families.
This annual distinction, created by MINJUS, has the objective to express public recognition to people who have helped to strengthen the democratic system in our country.
“It is not an easy task to undertake but in compensation they receive higher spiritual rewards. On this occasion we have changed the criteria to select personalities, who in our opinion deserve to win this distinction from the ministry. These important figures help us build the moral basis of a free society”, added the Minister during awarding ceremony. They are as follow: Evangelina Otayza Arrieta, from of the Good Shepherd Sisters; Carlos Alvarez Osorio, Director of the Human Dignity and Solidarity Association; Nelly Villegas Palomino, Co-founder of Llagtanchispaq (Women Rights and Child Victim of Domestic Violence Organization); Father Zeffirino Luigui Montin, Director of Hogar San Camilo to Fight AIDS; Father José Chuquillanqui, Parish Priest of “El Espíritu de Manchay” Church; and Former Congressman Lucio Muñiz Flores.
Minister Fernández said, “All of these people unite efforts to strengthen the state of rights, where we all are equals while being different. Through the example they transmit personal values such as generosity, honesty, transparency, love for one’s neighbor, reject deceit and concern about oneself than for anybody else. They just want to help and it is already enough”.